Benicia Parkinson’s Support Group
April 12, 2025 - 9:00 A.M. to 1 P.M.- Veterans Hall
The Bill Cawley Memorial Walk
Benicia City Park, Check-in for the walk starts at 8:00 A.M.
Walk Registration fee - $35 (includes T-shirt and Rally Admission)
Rally Admission Registration Alone - $10
The Benicia Parkinson’s Support Group was founded to help those in our area who are impacted by this complex neurodegenerative disorder.  It is open to all with Parkinson’s, their care partners, friends and family. No membership fee is charged, and no annual dues are required.

At our meetings we share stories of our challenges and also those funny moments. We learn from and support each other as we navigate life with this neurodegenerative disease. Sometimes there is laughter, sometimes tears. Our information sources about Parkinson’s are guest speakers, educational programs, and one another. We understand that people have unique experiences with differing symptoms and rates of change. It is also our job to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease in the surrounding community, helping people understand and support those with Parkinson’s disease.

The Support Group meets monthly on the second Saturday from 10 A.M. to noon at the Benicia Lutheran Church at 201 Raymond Drive. The Care Partners Group meets monthly on the third Saturday from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. also in the Church.

The Benicia Parkinson’s Support Group is a member of the Parkinson Association of Northern California (PANC).

We gratefully accept financial gifts to support our group on the PANC website by indicating the Benicia Support Group in the Tribute name field for online donations.

PANC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization with tax ID #68-037203.

For further information contact:
 Carol Reed, Facilitator at 925.395.1200 or

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